The theme for the Cocktail Series has the same basis like my ‘ Relation-Shape ‘ series and the other projects: ‘Human Relationships’ and my interest and curiosity in People. I’ve started this collection of cocktail works from 2014 triggered by a phenomenon from Japanese culture called ‘Nominication’, which is a combination of the words ‘nomu’ , which means ‘to drink’ and ‘communication’. The term stands for maintaining a good relationship among colleagues through drinking together. Many Japanese people tend to hide their feelings and opinions outside their homes. But when drinking and enjoying the moment together with colleagues or friends, they open up and create an atmosphere in which they can tell their honest feelings and thoughts. In a way drinking together gradually takes away layers of self-control and eventually reveals the true core of people. Seeing and observing these unfiltered people, true to themselves, fascinates me, because I feel somehow close to the essence of human being.
Inspired by observing people drinking together I explore in the works of the Cocktail Series this essence of human being and connect it with the origins of the cocktails and the stories behind their invention, creating a complete story in one image.